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Enter at your own risk.

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Post by wolfsaver » Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:02 pm

Ok, in the spirit of the season, can we all be kind and gracious to each other? How about it ladies? ;-)


Post by JScarlet » Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:41 pm

If you don't want hurtful derogtory,etc remarks then why did you say the things about me( being narcissistic/martyr) when I disagreed with you on political matters? I didn't start getting really nasty until you did.
I do admit the GODLESSmas and GODmas was meant to be sarcastic because you mentioned that I assumed you all might be godless.
I will apologize about that but nothing else. Y'all got your pot shots in and I played your game. Simple as that.

So you are Canadian***then please refer to our pledge of allegiance. You will note it does call us a Republic so does our Consitiution. I'm not being a smart mouth or rude I am serious. And since you know about the Republic of China then you must realize they are not a true Republic like the USA because of the human right suffering along with other problems with their government. Another non-smart mouth remark.

As for my membership I have always had 1 username and 1 password. Afraid I don't remember opening 2 accounts here .

Maybe Hilary could enlighten me on that one.

Helen8 are you sure I was the only one being rude?
I was very serious when I asked about having a game about President elect Obama***to show you the other side of the fence--- so to speak.
And I was being honest in wanting to know about what y'all thought about Mr Obama asking Pastor Rick Warren to the Inauguration, but y'all refused to see that. I thought that was quite rude when y'all ignored my questions. Therefore there can be no debates here because y'all just will not debate with someone who has different views than you ---plain and simple.



Post by JScarlet » Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:46 pm

Yes Wolfsaver I can. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
Happy Holidays!!!



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Post by Gillian » Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:33 pm

If you don't want hurtful derogtory,etc remarks then why did you say the things about me( being narcissistic/martyr) when I disagreed with you on political matters?
It wasn't about political matters I was referring. Since entering this thread you've inferred we think YOU are a "terrible redneck Republican", that we'd make fun of the way you "walk and behave" if we ever met you in person, that you're illiterate because you're a Conservative, accused Helen of despising anyone who's a Republican/Conservative when she merely pointed out you have a choice about being here, completely twisted Hilary's (unrelated) remark about her own father as an attack on yours, and of having a complete lack of respect (even contempt) for your religious beliefs, even though none of these accusations are in evidence. Why is that? Why the need to either misconstrue or totally fabricate events about your treatment here? Do you really think you're that special we'd feel the need to crucify you, just because of your political or personal beliefs?
I didn't start getting really nasty until you did.
No, it started right after Helen posted the link to the original news story when you accused the few initial contributors of hate mongering comments, even though there are clearly none present.

Also, why is my comment about China a smart mouth remark? That's what *they* call themselves -- the People's Republic of China, even though they don't have representational government or free elections or the rights and privileges you enjoy under your Constitution. To me, it's far less important how a government is organized than how it defines itself through it's political ideals and philosophy.

BTW, did you know the Greek word for democracy and republic is the same? Just thought I'd mention it.

Edited to add: You have indeed had more than one membership. Hilary deleted it ages ago at your request after a similar incident. Your response was to create a new one so you could tell people it was not you who'd removed it, but Hilary. Not sure why. You'd already said your goodbyes at that point.


Post by JScarlet » Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:08 am

You are truly confused I NEVER said you were a smart mouth I said "I" as in "me "was not making a smart mouth remark.
You need to read exactly what I wrote!!!! and stop twisting it around!

which was as follows*****

"You will note it does call us a Republic so does our Constituion. I'm not being a smart mouth or rude I am serious"
Explain where you got the idea that I called YOU a smart mouth????
It is clear as clean glass that I was refering to myself!!

You have twisted everything I have said!! When I call myself a a terrible redneck Republican ( My gosh it's a joke!!)! because ThAT is what I am!!! I mean if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at? It was a joke people!!!

I did not create a new anything (membership) either!!! My membership shows on the board as joining on July24 2005!! You are wrong!!You know that too! I went back in my records and found my old username and password and tried it and it worked!!! Your remark about me blaming Hil is completely off base and it was disgusting to say such a thing at the the least!!!

As for Hilary and her Dad paying for college it soundedl like a put down to me!!! If SHE tells me it wasn't I will apologize to her directly!

BTW it was my husband Eddie that paid for our daughters education(by working 2 jobs) along with my layoff pay from AT&T!!!
MY Dad had nothing to do with it!!! Go back and reread every word slowly!!!

YES I do know about the Greek word. I went to school too. And that's where I get the idea that certain people here think conservatives or shall I say ME are not too smart. I think you resent anyone telling you anything or trying to refer you to a website that is of a different belief
than you.

You know nothing about humor from others.
And if you think others on this board have not noticed how you behave towards other people that differ from you then you are sadly mistaken.. That's why you have a long membership list but just your lil' click that post on a regular basis.

Or are you just so far up your own butts you haven't noticed? You are bullies you falsely accuse or lie! Your are ill-mannered and vain! And THAT was meant as nasty ugly comments directly to you Gillian and Helen8!!!

You are liken to bullies in grammar school which are covering your own lack of confidence in yourself or you are so miserable inside you want to make everyone that way too. I feel sorry for you and anyone else that agrees with you. I just wish others who think the way I do would stand up for their beliefs and tell you. Of course then if they do they would be riducled .
Do I think I am special? Yes I do------just not to y'all.

You will be in my prayers.

Merry Christmas Y'all!!!!

Sorry wolfsaver I tried!!!!

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Post by Cissa » Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:30 am

Okay, to answer your question about Rick Warren, from MY pov: I didn't really know much about Warren until this all came up, so pardon my ignorance, but I was a little confused by it. During Obama's acceptance spech, he made comments about rights for everyone, black, white, gay, straight, etc., etc. I can only assume that he chose Warren for other reasons?
I'll also add here that I am highly skeptical about Obama's choice of Minister of Interior, but again will also admit that I've been so busy trying to get my home weather-proofed after the un-roof leaked all over the place, and with helping my stepmom and my best friend deal with their recent daignosis' (ises?), of breast cancer to really keep up with politics in general.

As for Southern folks, I'm from Georgia, and have family there and in Louisiana. I don't think we're stupid and neither do my Northern friends. Also, I've never heard anyone on this board say so, either. I would have been offended and taken note. I'm from a farm, too!

I will tell you this tho, Janet. Yes, the natural world changes, it's cyclical. Periods of intense freezing and warming are completely natural, but not in the space of 50 or so years!Naturally, it takes millions of years to go thru the changes that we've witnessed in our lifetimes. Millions of years, not 40!!! Trust someone who's done the research for all of her adult life as a living. What's happening now is not natural.
I will add here that my DH is a Republican, and being presented with our research via dinner-table conversation at the end of the day, he's in 100% agreement with me and is very concerned.

As for venison; yep, I've had it and it is tasty and better for your heart than beef! In my state, there is a law stating that you cannot sell/buy venison, and seeing as I'm not a hunter and have only put my tracking skills to good use for research, I don't get to eat it often.
I have to draw the line at squirrel. Call me a Liberal, but I just couldn't eat anything so darn cute!
I also love coyotes! :hug

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Post by Cissa » Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:44 am

Please dn't take offense at this Janet, as there is none intended, but as an afterhtought I wanted to suggest that the Political Material section of this board may be something that you'll want to stay away from in the future. I tend to stay away from discussions pertaining to Rep/Con veiws, because it will make me mad to hear them sometimes, and I'm just not the kind of person to put myself in a situation where I'm outnumbered in my views, as it only serves to frustrate me to no end which usually gets me nowhere. You know how it is! ;-)


Post by JScarlet » Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:31 am

Thank you for posting Cissa but I reckon I've pushed the limit here. I'm up late because it really is bothering me. This argument and all. I was looking at some of my past post and came across one about my Dad and his cancer.

I am truly sorry to hear of your stepmom's cancer. I hope they have found it in its earliest stages.It is a terrible disease. My Dad had lung and brain cancer and was 79yrs old when he passed. The cancer was in it's latest stages though.

As for the issue at hand, thank you for the information. Maybe you would suggest some websites for me or some good books so I can read up on the subject more. Of course it will have to be soo as I'm sure I will no longer be welcomed here after my last post. I pretty much sealed my casket on that one. I just get tired of people making fun of Pres. Bush. I know hw hasn't done a fantastic job but there are others involved in his

Presidency that gave him wrong info. Anyway it's mute now. I said my peace before this post.

Rabbit is good and healthy too. My son-in-law huntsMy daughter cooked a wonderful venison roast. My Dad hunted a great deal until he was about 75.. My DH has hunted some but prefers fishing. Although he doesn't eat much fish***go figure. :D My Dad would hunt squirrels and we'd have them for supper but I must admit there wasn't much to them. We have deer all around us going to the creek all the time but we don't bother them. My lab would bark at them but never chased one.

I think Obama wanted to include Pastor Warren because he does have different views and he is trying to be inclusive. Mr Obama is aware how Warrem feels about the gay lifestyle. I just wanted to know what others thought about it and whether they were concerned with his choices or not.
He does seem to be making a few strange moves. I just want to see what he is going to do about the economy. As for President Bush I am no longer concerned with his actions too much now, just that the change of command is made easily.

Some people here were making fun of the way Pres Bush pronounces his words which leads me to believe they like to make fun of the way people from the Southern states act and talk. There have been other things in the past that we differed on here but that was during Katrina. I reckon my hmmm "sense of humor" isn't understood here.
I just feel that there are ways of getting your point across with completely going overboard on the disrespect thing. Throwing shoes at someone seems so stupid and laughing at is only makes it worse. Yeah it is better than trying to kill him.

We have had up to 5 horses here at one time, 3 dogs and a couple of cats. I had gardens almost every year until I started having back problems about 4 yrs ago. I had a back operation in March/April and have to be careful. We now have 2 horses and my lab died a couple of weeks ago.Hubby bought a Harley last year so I guess we are going through our midlife crisis. We are very concerned about the coming years you know social security the economy,etc. I know we aren't the only ones either. I tried to be respectful here but it didn't work. I am getting sleepy so I need to close now.

Again thank you Cissa for responding. I really would like to find out more
about your research. Although I have been having to help out with my Mama since Dad passed. She is in an assisted living home and has dementia/Alz. Things stay pretty busy here but I would like to read into the subject.

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Post by Sea Lion Woman » Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:04 am

Damn...this kept going...

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Post by Gillian » Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:12 am


You can obviously forget things when it's convenient for you ...
"And since you know about the Republic of China then you must realize they are not a true Republic like the USA because of the human right suffering along with other problems with their government. Another non-smart mouth remark."
I'm assuming the "non" smart bit was just a cheap shot at me, but whatev, you've hurled far more abusive comments than that.
MY Dad had nothing to do with it!!! Go back and reread every word slowly!!!
You're right. It wasn't your dad, but my point still stands. You immediately thought Hil's remark was about you (because isn't it always?) and tore her a new one. Nice.

As for the last two paragraphs in your latest reply (to me) -- I'm not even going to dignify that with a response other than to say it was clearly a spiteful, deliberate and nasty piece of invective.

I think it's best you move on, Janet. You're punchy, have a huge chip on your shoulder and it's obvious you're not here for any constructive reason.

Frankly, I've got better things to do over the holidays than to babysit you and this thread.

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Post by Hilary the Touched » Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:27 am

Janet, I believe your membership from 2005 is the one I was referring to--at the time you left then, you also asked me to remove it, for the same reasons (this wasn't a site you wished to frequent).

When I made the (off-handed) comment about people's fathers paying their tuition, I was also trying to be amusingly sarcastic--my (missed) implication was that if my father WERE paying my tuition, I might be getting through this a bit quicker. I hadn't kept up with the financial arrangements concerning your own daughter's degree.

We've been talking about President Bush, a man who certainly doesn't read this board, wouldn't give a shining crap about our opinions, and is in no position to be injured by them. No one said anything about YOUR religious beliefs, appearance, mode of transportation, location, or eating habits until YOU brought it up.
Wait till somebody slaps you to pick up your stick, okay?

And about Bush being an exemplar of the South and Southern speech?? --he's from Connecticut. Listen to any of his siblings, who grew up in the same locations he did.
As for the poor advice he received, well, he got it from people he appointed and chose to listen to. It was under his administration that funding was cut for the EPA; food inspection budgets were cut; funding for veteran's hospitals was cut--and that was BEFORE the economy tanked.

Yes, by all accounts, many of the decisions that encouraged the global financial free-fall were initiated during the Clinton administration, if not even before. But as with so many other disasters, Shrub's administration was warned about the mortgage situation and chose instead to allow huge banks and corporations to continue to make outrageous short-term profits on arranging loans, processing paperwork, and writing phony appraisals from people who were also in their pockets.
(State where many of these institutions are headquartered? Delaware, home of remarkably long-serving Senator Joe Biden. Plenty of people with a D after their names piss me off too.)

We're happy to host dissent and disagreement here.
We're not so enthused about hosting people who want to make accusations and hurl abuse when they're not intimately familiar with OUR own circumstances either.

I hope that you and your family enjoy a wonderful holiday together, and the weather is nice and no one has to drive in scary conditions.
I hope the new year brings us sensible financial responses and a little more tolerance all around.

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Post by Sea Lion Woman » Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:46 pm

I love you Hil.
I had to say something!...we can cut the tension here with a knife!
Yes, I hope this new year brings tolerance too, that's the problem with the world right now...

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Post by Helen8 » Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:59 pm

Or are you just so far up your own butts you haven't noticed? You are bullies you falsely accuse or lie! Your are ill-mannered and vain! And THAT was meant as nasty ugly comments directly to you Gillian and Helen8!!!

JS, don't be rude.

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Post by Marie » Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:49 pm

Some people here were making fun of the way Pres Bush pronounces his words which leads me to believe they like to make fun of the way people from the Southern states act and talk.
I never saw anyone make fun of the way Pres Bush pronounces his words here (I could have missed it) but I've personally made fun of his making up words. I've met many people from all over the United States (and from other countries) that I respect who have held positions of authority. Take someone like Henry Kissinger - now there is an accent - but he was also a very intelligent and highly skilled statesman. I do expect those things at a minimum from the President of the United States of America. IMHO Bush does not fit in that category and neither does Palin - which is why this Republican voted for Obama. (BTW I respect John McCain very much and was saddened when he made some terrible choices during the campaign.)

But anyone's opinion is just that - opinion. What I really dislike is lumping a group of people together with no logic behind it.
That's why you have a long membership list but just your lil' click that post on a regular basis.
I post here - does that make me a part of a click? I feel that I am an individual - with my own opinions, likes and dislikes.

I'd suggest that anyone who frequents a thread called Political Material grow a thick skin and realize that comments are not directed at any one individual (or at least in a perfect world should not be!) Also - please realize that unless you use emoticons or expressly state so - NO ONE KNOWS WHEN PEOPLE ARE JOKING OR SERIOUS!!

And now although it may actually offend people - I will say Happy Holidays - because I have friends who are Christian, Hebrew, Islamic, and Wicken and I truly from the bottom of my heart wish them happiness and joy for what ever holiday they are celebrating.


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Post by Sea Lion Woman » Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:05 pm

What did she mean by click? or did she mean "clique"?

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