In Poland we have a lot of scandals around the industry, even around film festivals(like bosses of the events being misogynistic, expressing that women are just nice add-ons to the industry, causing international dramas as putting my country in the middle ages) and women are not treated well in the industry here.
But in general I agree with all your points. Access is limited - in smaller towns there's no cinemas, because big chain cinemas bought places in bigger cities, and smaller companies couldn't afford to be any match for them to buy access to movies. They bankrupted years ago.
And even if I live in quite big city, and we have few smaller cinemas that shows something else than blockbusters(because chain's shows only that shit, because it sells), there's almost no advertising to what's there and when, and you need to go directly to their page if you're looking for something else than Marvel or Transformers.
We have one "artistic" cinema in the city, sponsored by the city, so they have stuff, but they have money for movies and few posters and that's pretty much it if it comes to advertising. You need to follow them online, because since they made a law of no putting any adverts on the buildings in the city, you can't spot it by accident going by that building, that something is going on inside.(

And even if sometimes in chain cinemas they have the idea of showing something else than blockbuster, the prices are high and for some completely unaffordable. If I have to pay for the one evening in cinema the same amount of money that I pay for the whole month of HBO or Netflix, than I don't blame people they're choosing staying at home. And if you want to go with kids for example, and buy them snacks...
I'm lucky enough to have film festivals near me, where you can see some indie films, but prices for that events are ridiculous, and also sometimes not easy to get them at all(selling out within hours). Achievable once a year, but that's not enough for the industry.
The same with buying dvd of movies you like - the more indie the less achievable to buy at all(not to mention without translation), and if I have it on streaming platform I won't buy it unless it disapears from there, because I have daily acces to it, without getting up from the couch.
And as far as I'm concerned, I prefer shows these days too. I have time to get to know the characters, to stay with them for longer time. Plots have time to develop, showing us more of that particular story we like, and we have the oportunity to escape reality for longer, because we dive into that created world. So I think it's more of a comfort watching than story chasing this days. (Because for me, I'm really very rarely suprised by the movie plot, and therefore it's boring. And when I watch two boring movies of one writer/director, I'll stay away forever in order not to get disappointed again.