Good Sam

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Good Sam

Post by Anniemouse » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:14 pm

To get the discussion going again, what did you really think of Good Sam?. I have still not seen it but I know it divided people.

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Re: Good Sam

Post by Antoni Bandzior » Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:31 pm

Hands down definitely the worst show he was in. If not for Jason I wouldn't get to the second episode. I knew since the beginning it won't last. I was stuck on 4th episode and couldn't get further for some time, and get back to watch it till the end after promising myself I would cheer myself up with rewaching The OA afterwards.

Spoiler ahead!

I don't even know where to start.
The story was lazy, too simple. It feels like trying to mimic Grey's Anatomy, but without good, deep, or at least funny characters and emotional depth. Only opening to the show was good, but the rest goes worse and worse every second. It has a feeling that Jason's character is a little like Dr House, but this delusion disappears really quickly. I think creators wanted to mix ideas from those two shows and failed terribly.
Dialogues were silly, predictable, and totally unbelievable, in the same time explaining million times the plot, treating the viewers as idiots.
Medical accuracy in it is not existent.

Characters aren't really developing through the whole series, they do some progress and then get back to being what they were in the beginning. Only one support character(Caleb) is making some sane decisions in the end. And Lex is well written comparing to the rest.
Main character is completely unlikable for me. She isn't growing with the story, she's spoiled, inconsistent with her behavior and emotions. I couldn't find one character (except obviously the only one I was watching it for) that I'd like there or could relate to them on any level. They didn't feel real to me with their problems. For most of it I blame bad writing.
But the leading actress... :spew2
The most cringe element of this show. I don't know if it's so badly written character with unprocessed Electra complex(highly doubt it) or just Sophia's lack of ability to control her body language and face expressions. If it's the later, as far as I'm not blaming her for having crush on Jason(who never melted in front of him, cast the first stone :bag: ) she can't hide it and it really gives a cringe vibes on screen, since she's playing a daughter - not his love interest.

The only exciting theme in the whole show is Griff's romance with Lex. But he has definitely better chemistry with his ex wife(or just actress who plays her). And even in his behavior in both relationships we don't see any character development. They're all like kids on the trampoline.

My brain was literally bleeding while watching it. And I feel really sorry for Jason, because he could have grown himself wings and it wouldn't save that show.

But at least we can hear him sing in it. That's a rare gem. :hit

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Re: Good Sam

Post by thunder » Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:19 am

Where to start…

The pilot might have been picked up because they saw some potential, I guess. I didn't like the pilot either. But then it got worse and worse.I think I described it like a Nickelodeon teen show without a laughter track.

I think they wanted to sell Sam off as brilliant, great leader, great with people, and the one who should lead the department. She was an immature spoiled brat that created a lot of drama because she coulnd't be professional at her job. Then she kept running to her mum to fix the mess. One of her subordinates were "friends with benefits", and when he told her he had real feelings for her, she kept stringing him along, while she was in an relationship with this other guy. Then she exploited him for sex, because she needed stress relief. In the pilot she played the piano for stress relief, but apparently, they forgot about that. When he decided to get a job at another hospital, she wrote him a personal letter about her feelings for him, instead of a letter of recommendation. So then he got confused again and gave up on the job to stay with her, only she was going for that other guy. Yes, very sympathetic, empathetic, brilliant doctor with excellent leading abilities.

Lex lies to her best friend and sleeps with her dad for six months, but somehow manage to make herself the victim. Yes, her best friend is a spoiled selfish brat, but seriously….

Doctors who are a bit upset, just walk out in the middle of surgery, or works in a different department for a day to avoid talking to their colleagues. Because I'm sure doctors just come in to the hospital in the morning and decides what department to work in that day. Lex gets transfered to ER, but she still just kept hanging out with her friends at cardiology. Not much to do in the ER departement.

Doctors who disagree about how to treat their patients have loud discussions/fights about it in the hospital corridors. I'm sure the patient they are talking about would like them to keep the noise down. I'm not sure how assuring this is to the other waiting patients or the families either. This is one of the best hospitals in the country, remember.

One would imagine that the equipment storage room is a quite busy room in a hospital, where people come and gather what they need to do surgery etc. In this hospital, they do so little surgery that this room is where people hide away to have sex.

Dad and daughter argues all the time and clearly can't have a civil conversation, at least about work. But then they have this conversation where dad tells his daughter that he has to be near her, so he has to work with her. Hello? Can't they just not work together and try to see if it will be possible to have a somewhat nice relationship to each other?

I think making them doctors was a big mistake. They had this idea that they were fixing the patients hearts while developing their own relationships (blablabla). The father - daughter rivalry may hve worked better outside of a hospital. Maybe if the daughter quitting the family firm to start by herself could make it more believable. They could fight about contracts or clients instead.

I didn't buy one second of this show. It's the only part that I've seen Jason in that he didn't manage to sell to me. It's not his fault, there was nothing to sell. I could see him working so hard, using every tool he has in his box, but not even he could save this. Sorry, it's just really bad.

But the singing was a nice distraction.

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